San Antonio Truck Accident Attorneys: A Guide to Legal Rights and Recovery in the State of Texas

Texas roads can be unpredictable, and when the unexpected happens, such as a serious trucking accident, the repercussions can shake the very foundations of your life. At The Law Offices of Tyler & Peery, we grasp the profound impact that such collisions can have on your world.

Many of our San Antonio truck accident attorneys are board-certified in personal injury law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Since we started our firm in 1990, we have focused our practice on handling major accident cases involving cars and trucks, with a proven record of results.

Call us at 210-340-0900 for a free evaluation of your case.

The Reality of Truck Accidents in the Alamo City

In the bustling city of San Antonio, where the intertwining roads and highways pulse with the constant thrum of commerce, the presence of commercial trucks is an everyday reality. Unfortunately, with this comes a higher incidence of accidents, particularly along notorious stretches such as the I-10, I-35, and Loop 1604. These accidents can lead to a maze of legal and emotional complexities for those involved.

In Texas, truck accidents can involve a variety of commercial vehicles. Here are the types of San Antonio truck crashes we typically handle:

  • Semi-trucks (18-wheelers): These are large vehicles with a tractor and one or more trailers. They are common on highways and are often involved in long-haul transportation.
  • Box trucks: These are typically used for moving goods, especially for local deliveries. They are often seen in urban and suburban areas.
  • Oil Tankers: These vehicles carry liquids or gases, many of which are hazardous materials. Accidents involving tanker trucks can be particularly dangerous due to the potential for spills or explosions.
  • Flatbed trucks: These have an open trailer, which is useful for transporting large equipment or materials. Loads must be properly secured to prevent them from falling off during transit.
  • Dump trucks and concrete mixers: These are often involved in construction and can be particularly heavy, especially when carrying a full load.
  • Tow trucks: While they are typically smaller than 18-wheelers, tow trucks are heavy and can cause significant damage in the event of a collision.
  • Garbage trucks: These vehicles stop frequently, which can lead to accidents, especially in residential areas.
  • Delivery vehicles: These include smaller trucks and vans used by companies like UPS, FedEx, and Amazon, especially in urban areas where they make frequent stops.
  • Utility trucks: These vehicles are used by public service and utility companies and may be equipped with special gear like booms or lifts.

The involvement of these trucks in accidents can be due to factors such as the driver’s experience and training, vehicle condition, and the particular challenges associated with operating each type of vehicle. For example, the long stopping distances for semi-trucks, the visibility issues for box trucks, the stability concerns for flatbeds, or the hazardous materials in oil tankers all present specific risks that can contribute to accidents.

What Are the Most Common Types of Truck Accidents in San Antonio?

In Texas, as in many other places, there are several types of accidents that commonly occur due to a variety of factors including road conditions, driver behavior, and vehicle maintenance issues. Here are some of the most frequent types of truck accidents that occur in San Antonio:

  • Rear-end collisions: These can happen when a driver fails to stop in time, often because of distracted driving, following too closely, or due to the increased stopping distance required for heavy vehicles.
  • Jackknife accidents: This type of accident occurs when the trailer of a semi swings out and forms an acute angle with the cab, resembling a folding pocket knife. This can be caused by sudden braking, slippery roads, or improper maneuvering.
  • Rollovers: Trucks can roll over if they take turns too quickly, if loads are improperly secured or distributed, or if they hit obstacles in the road. High centers of gravity can make them particularly susceptible to rollovers under certain conditions.
  • Underride accidents: These occur when a smaller vehicle hits a truck from behind or from the side and slides underneath the trailer. This can happen if the smaller vehicle is following too closely. Underride guards are meant to prevent these accidents, but they are not always effective.
  • Blind spot accidents: Trucks have much larger blind spots than passenger vehicles. If the driver changes lanes without noticing a vehicle in its blind spot, it can lead to a collision.
  • Lost loads: If cargo is not properly secured, it can fall off the truck and onto the roadway, creating hazards for other vehicles.
  • Head-on collisions and T-bone accidents: These can be particularly severe when they involve a large truck and a smaller passenger vehicle, often occurring at intersections or when a vehicle crosses the centerline of the roadway.
  • Tire blowouts: Due to the heavy loads carried by trucks, their tires can be under a lot of stress, and if they are not properly maintained, they can blow out, leading to loss of control.

What Are Some of the Primary Causes of Texas Truck Accidents?

It’s important to note that while these are common types of accidents, each incident has its own unique circumstances and contributing factors. Trucking companies, drivers, and the regulatory agencies all work towards reducing the incidence of these accidents through training, safety regulations, vehicle maintenance, and technology like advanced braking systems and stability control.

Here are some of the main contributing factors:

  • Driver Error: This can include distracted driving, fatigue due to long hours behind the wheel, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or simple mistakes due to inexperience or inadequate training.
  • Vehicle Maintenance: Failing to properly maintain a truck can lead to critical issues such as brake failure, tire blowouts, or steering problems that can cause accidents.
  • Weather Conditions: Texas can experience a variety of weather conditions, including heavy rain, fog, ice, and high winds, all of which can affect a trucker’s ability to safely operate their vehicle.
  • Road Conditions: Poorly maintained roads, construction zones, and inadequate signage can contribute to accidents. Sharp turns, steep grades, and uneven road surfaces can also present hazards for trucks.
  • Traffic Flow Interruptions: Sudden stops, traffic congestion, and erratic behavior by other motorists can create situations where truckers must react quickly, which can lead to accidents if the driver is unable to maneuver safely.
  • Cargo Issues: Improperly loaded or secured cargo can shift during transit, causing the truck to become unbalanced and increasing the risk of rollovers or lost loads.
  • Speeding: Trucks require a longer distance to stop, and speeding exacerbates this issue. Speeding can lead to more severe accidents due to the increased force of impact.
  • Regulatory Violations: Overlooking regulations such as hours-of-service limits, which are designed to prevent driver fatigue, can lead to accidents.
  • Equipment Failure: Sometimes components of the truck may fail due to manufacturing defects or wear and tear, which can cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle.

It’s essential to consider that trucking accidents are typically the result of a combination of factors rather than a single cause. Investigating these accidents often requires a detailed analysis to understand all the contributing factors. Enforcement of safety regulations and continuous efforts to improve road and vehicle safety features are crucial in reducing the frequency and severity of these types of crashes..

The Financial and Emotional Aftermath

The ripple effect of a truck accident is felt far and wide. Victims find themselves battling not only with physical pain but also financial stress and the scars of emotional trauma. Medical bills can mount at an alarming rate, and with injuries potentially keeping you from work, the economic impact only deepens. This financial burden can cast a long shadow, fueling stress and clouding your future.

It’s crucial not to overlook the psychological aftermath as well. Survivors can be haunted by anxiety, depression, or even PTSD. These invisible wounds can strain personal relationships, hinder daily functioning, and erode the overall quality of life.

What Typical Injuries Are Sustained by Truck Accident Victims?

Victims of truck accidents in Texas can sustain a wide range of injuries, some of which can be quite severe due to the size and weight of commercial vehicles. The most common injuries include:

  • Whiplash and other neck injuries: These are common in rear-end collisions and can range from mild to severe.
  • Head injuries: Including traumatic brain injuries (TBI), concussions, and other forms of head trauma.
  • Spinal cord injuries: These can result in paralysis (such as paraplegia or quadriplegia) or other long-term disabilities.
  • Broken bones: The force of a truck collision can easily break bones, which can range from simple fractures to complex breaks requiring surgery.
  • Internal injuries: Damage to internal organs and internal bleeding are serious consequences that may not be immediately apparent after the accident.
  • Lacerations and contusions: Cuts and bruises can occur from broken glass, metal, or the force of impact.
  • Burns: If there is a fire or explosion as a result of the collision, victims can suffer burns that may require long-term treatment.
  • Amputations: In severe cases, limbs may be crushed or severely damaged, leading to surgical amputation.
  • Psychological trauma: Beyond the physical injuries, many victims suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues following a serious motor vehicle accident.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Injuries to muscles, tendons, and ligaments are also common and can result in long-term pain and disability.

The severity of injuries can vary widely based on the circumstances of the crash, such as the speed at impact, the safety features of the vehicles involved, whether seatbelts or airbags were used properly, and the health and age of the victims. Recovery from these injuries can take months or even years, and some victims may never fully recover, facing lifelong challenges as a result of the accident.

What Steps Should You Take Immediately After a Truck Accident?

If you’re involved in a truck accident in San Antonio, taking the right steps immediately afterward can be crucial for your health, safety, and any subsequent legal action. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Ensure Safety: First and foremost, check yourself and others for injuries. If it’s safe to do so, move to the side of the road to avoid any further accidents.
  2. Call 911: Even if the accident seems minor, it’s important to report it to the police. They will document the scene and file an accident report, which can be vital for insurance and legal processes.
  3. Seek Medical Attention: Even if you don’t think you’re injured, some injuries can take hours or days to become apparent. It’s important to be evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible.
  4. Document the Scene: Take photographs of the vehicles, the surrounding area, any skid marks, and your injuries. If there are witnesses, get their contact information.
  5. Exchange Information: Politely exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s). Avoid discussing fault or making statements that could be used against you later.
  6. Notify Your Insurance: Contact your insurance company to report the accident but be cautious about the details you provide before speaking with an attorney.
  7. Consult with an Attorney: Motor vehicle accident claims can be complex due to the potential for multiple liable parties and the severity of injuries. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you navigate the legal process and advocate for your best interests.
  8. Keep Records: Save all medical records, receipts, and any other documentation related to the accident. This includes records of any work you miss due to your injuries.
  9. Follow Through with Treatment: If you’re prescribed a treatment plan, follow it closely. Failure to do so could harm your health and potentially affect your legal claim.
  10. Avoid Social Media: Don’t post about the accident on social media. Insurance companies and defense attorneys might use your posts to undermine your claim.

Remember, each truck accident is unique, so it’s essential to get personalized advice from a legal professional experienced in Texas injury law.

Claiming Your Rights and Seeking Justice

In the aftermath, the importance of expert legal counsel cannot be overstated. The complex interplay of insurance negotiations and legal maneuvering is best navigated with the aid of seasoned legal professionals. An adept injury attorney can protect your rights and advocate for the compensation you deserve.

 It’s not uncommon for insurance entities and involved parties to downplay their liability, often resulting in insufficient settlement offers or outright denial of claims. With a dedicated attorney at your side, you can push back against these tactics, ensuring that your losses are fully recognized and compensated.

 As a truck accident victim, you have rights. Determining liability and identifying responsible parties are critical to pursuing your claim and obtaining the compensation you’re owed.

Legal Entitlements and Compensation Sources

The legal landscape of truck accident claims can be intricate, with potential compensation stemming from various sources:

  • Commercial truck drivers
  • Trucking companies
  • Manufacturers of defective parts
  • Other negligent parties

Maximizing your compensation hinges on a thorough understanding of the legal process and the parties involved. Our board-certified San Antonio injury attorneys are well-versed in the complexities of litigation and stand ready to defend your rights.

Why Choose The Law Offices of Tyler & Peery?

Our legal team at The Law Offices of Tyler & Peery brings a wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach to every case we handle. We understand that no two accidents are the same and tailor our strategy to meet the individual needs and goals of our clients.

Choosing our firm means opting for a team that views you not as a case file, but as a fellow San Antonian in need. We listen, we understand, and we act—with a tailored strategy that speaks to your individual story. Our approach to building your case includes the following:

  • Thorough investigation of the accident scene
  • Collaboration with medical professionals to assess injuries
  • Utilization of accident reconstruction experts
  • Aggressive negotiation with insurance companies
  • Vigorous representation in the courtroom, if necessary

We believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. Our team of experienced San Antonio truck accident attorneys is ready to provide the clarity and support you need every step of the way.

Time is a precious commodity in the aftermath of a trucking accident. Reach out to The Law Offices of Tyler & Peery without delay and let us embark on this journey together. Call us at 210-340-0900 or complete our online form for a free evaluation of your case. This is first step towards the restoration you deserve.