San Antonio Legal Representation For Victims Injured By Falling Objects
Irresponsible handling of objects, poor construction and structural failures are just a few ways people could suffer injuries from falling objects.
At The Law Offices of Tyler & Peery, our San Antonio personal injury attorneys know how dangerous falling objects are. We help victims of falling object accidents get the compensation they deserve for their injuries and losses.
Common Scenarios Where Falling Object Injuries Occur
Falling object injuries can happen anywhere. Here are a few scenarios where a falling object could injure someone:
● Retail stores: Shelves may be incorrectly stacked with goods that could injure employees and customers.
● Warehouses: Heavy consumer goods may fall from high shelves in warehouses, causing injuries to workers.
● Home improvement stores: Workers and customers could be injured if goods, such as wood or tools, fall from racks or shelves.
● Construction zones: Pedestrians and workers may be injured walking through or around construction zones by falling tools or building materials.
It is important to identify the liable parties after a falling object accident. Our attorneys at The Law Offices of Tyler & Peery can assist you.
Types Of Injuries Caused By Falling Objects
Victims of falling objects can suffer serious injuries. Here are a few common injuries caused by falling objects:
● Traumatic brain injuries: Severe damage to the brain and head, such as brain bleeding and a broken skull, from the impact of a falling object.
● Traumatic spine injuries: The spine could suffer serious damage after a falling object accident, including paralysis.
● Internal injuries: Victims could suffer damage to internal organs after being struck by a falling object.
● Fractures and broken bones: The impact of a falling object could cause bone damage.
Reach out to our experienced personal injury lawyers to discuss possible compensation for your medical bills. Our lawyers can help you recover maximum compensation for your medical bills and losses.
Talk To Our San Antonio Premises Liability Attorneys
For a free initial consultation, you can contact our San Antonio personal injury attorneys at The Law Offices of Tyler & Peery by calling 210-987-2339 or completing our online inquiry form.