If you’re a truck driver in need of work, your prospects are good. But if you’re the average motorist in Texas, you have likely noticed the heavy tanker truck traffic as a result of the oil boom.
Much of this traffic has contributed to motor vehicle accidents involving tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers and oil tankers.
There are hundreds of Eagle Ford Shale jobs – more than 700, to be exact, as Kiii News in South Texas reports – and many of those jobs are for qualified truck drivers with commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs).
Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend has been keeping track of the Eagle Ford Shale jobs, according to the news report.
But the problem for many employers comes down to safety.
Says one employer, “The problem is trying to find qualified drivers that have a good MVR [motor vehicle record], that can pass a drug test to USDOT rules and regulations and that want to work. That’s our biggest problem right now.”
Source: CDL Drivers Needed for Eagle Ford Shale