“The sudden explosion in drilling activity is requiring local governments to ramp up maintenance and repair efforts,” says the Texas Department of Transportation’s John Barton, as Kelly Connelly reports.
That “explosion” is due mostly to the Eagle Ford Shale, which is contributing to its fair share of truck accidents involving 18-wheelers, oil tankers, and your average commuter.
According to State Impact and National Public Radio, Texas lawmakers are going through a “marathon” of hearings regarding oil and gas drilling in Texas this week, and how that drilling is making quite an impact on state roads.
But the problem – and it’s a big one – is that it will cost millions to repair and maintain the roads. And these roads weren’t originally designed to accommodate the type of truck traffic that is going to and from the Eagle Ford Shale and Barnett Shale plays.
We’re talking 1,200 trucks for one well, according to the report. That’s a lot of trucks and a lot of trouble to come in terms of staying safe while driving on our roads.
Source: As Drilling Operations Continue, Texas Roads Suffer