The oil and gas industry is an important part of the Texas economy. Oilfield workers can receive impressive salaries at an early stage of employment. However, these rewards can come with a significant cost. Oil extraction involves working with heavy equipment in hazardous conditions, so injuries in the oilfield can be life-altering or fatal.
Roughnecks are general-purpose workers in the oilfield. On any given day, a manager will assign these employees to several tasks in and around heavy machinery. They often arrive on the job with less experience than other types of workers. This lack of practical knowledge makes them more likely to suffer oilfield accidents than their fellow employees.
It takes a great deal of power to drill and extract oil. Motorhands are responsible for the engines that run drilling equipment. When something goes wrong, the repairs must happen quickly. These employees run the risk of electric shocks, burns and limbs pinched between moving parts.
Oilfield truck drivers
Transporting a load of flammable material is dangerous. Oilfield drivers are at an increased risk for accidents if they drive while tired. Because highway regulations do not apply to oilfield truck drivers, they may be encouraged to keep working even though they have not had a sufficient rest period.
Derrick operators
High above the ground, derrick operators maintain the drilling equipment at the top of an oil rig. This location puts them at risk of serious back and neck injuries if they fall. Oilfield accidents caused by the heavy equipment are another hazard of this position.
For many oilfield workers, the reward of a high salary outweighs the occupational risks. However, oil companies must take steps to protect their workers as much as possible. If you have suffered an injury in a Texas oilfield, an attorney may help you understand your rights.