Everyone who gets behind the wheel while too tired to drive risk getting into a drowsy driving accident. However, truck drivers may present a significantly greater risk since they spend so many long hours on the road. Collisions in Texas involving a semi-truck or a tractor-trailer could lead to horrible results. These massive vehicles have the potential to inflict enormous damage. That’s one reason why government regulations exist regarding breaks and travel logs.
Drowsy driving and trucking concerns
Regulations stipulate that a truck driver may only drive for 11 consecutive hours and then must take 10 straight hours off and away from their vehicles. Drivers and their employers should keep records of hours spent on the road and breaks. Violating regulations could lead a driver and a trucking company into a lawsuit if an accident occurs.
Lack of sleep and excessive work hours are not the only contributors to drowsy driving incidents. Someone dealing with the flu or a cold could feel fatigued. Traveling the roads while ill may lead to an exhausted driver crashing a truck. Taking over-the-counter medications to deal with feeling a “little sick” may increase drowsiness and cause an accident.
Illegal or prescription drugs may cause excessive tiredness, and extreme, drug-induced fatigue could boost the chances of a collision.
The seriousness of fatigue
Drowsy driving could lead to many problems for a driver. A person’s awareness may decrease, which means a driver might not see an obstruction in the road, an upcoming intersection or other problems. At high speeds, a truck requires a significant distance to come to a stop.
Fatigue may not serve as an adequate defense to an at-fault collision. The crash could involve several vehicles and victims as well.
Truck-related motor vehicle accidents may be the result of drowsy driving. Many times, negligence coincides with drowsy driving. Drivers and their employers may face large insurance claims or even wrongful death suits.