Teenagers across the country are out having fun with their friends for the summer. Some of them have summer jobs to earn extra money, but even with work, they have a lot of free time to drive around town with their friends in the car, doing what teens do. While drunk driving among teenagers is still a vary serious concern, another dangerous epidemic has risen quickly to become the number one cause of fatal accidents among teens.
Texting while driving has now surpassed drunk driving in the number of deaths while teens are driving. Approximately 3,000 teens are killed because of texting related car accidents each year, according to the latest data.
This number has risen sharply over the past decade as more people get cell phones and use texting and data on their phones. While drunk driving among teens has decreased significantly, it is still a major issue as well.
Both of these problems can cause families significant heartache, and it is important that parents and teens work together to prevent tragic accidents. Reading or sending a text message might only take a few seconds, but while behind the wheel of a car, those few seconds can be the difference between life and death.
Wrongful death accidents can have significant emotional and financial consequences. Speaking with an experienced personal injury attorney after an accident can help a family preserve their rights. An attorney can also help a family seek compensation and deal with any offers from insurance companies that might waive the families rights.
Source: Tulsa World, “Texting now tops drinking in teen fatal crashes,” Bill Sherman, June 7, 2013