We all know that for many people mobile devices have become an indispensable
means of communication in today’s world. However, the risk of being
involved in a motor vehicle accident increases dramatically when these devices are used while driving.
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and drivers should be aware
of the risk of injury and death when using a cell phone or other mobile device while behind the wheel. The following examples
illustrate the dangers posed by distracted drivers:
- Research produced by Carnegie Mellon University indicates that using a
cellphone can cause a 37-percent reduction in driving-related brain activity. - According to the National Safety Council, more than 25 percent of all traffic
accidents can be attributed to people making calls or engaging in texting
while driving. - 2012 saw 3,328 fatalities and 421,000 injuries in collisions associated
with distracted drivers. - The 30- to 39-year-old range is the age group with the largest proportion
of people reportedly using cellphones while involved in fatal accidents. - Of drivers under 20 years of age who were involved in accidents resulting
in fatality, 16 percent were reportedly driving while distracted.
These statistics bear out the fact that distracted driving can pose a threat
to all who travel on the road. When someone behind the wheel gives focus
to something other than driving, even for a moment, tragedy can ensue.
Distracted driving is negligent driving. If you are in an accident in Texas
involving a distracted driver, you could be entitled to compensation for
the damages you incurred. However, pursuit of recompense can be a complicated
process. You would do well to consider representation with a full understanding
Texas laws and the processes regarding the recovery of pertinent damages.
Source: Hamburg Reporter, “Distracted Driving Awareness Month: Cell phone use increases accidents,” March 27, 2014