Texas ranks No. 12 for cost of auto insurance

On Behalf of | Mar 14, 2012 | Car Accidents, Truck Accidents |

Texas fairs relatively poorly, all things considered, in terms of the cost of auto insurance. As Jerry Edgerton reports for CBS News, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Michigan are the top three states where car insurance is the most expensive. Texas is number 12 at $1,661 per year, edging out Connecticut but getting beat by Florida.

One of the factors that come into play in the cost of car insurance is the prevalence of lawsuits related to cars, like those that come out of car and truck accidents.

It should be obvious, but the more motor vehicle accidents there are on the roads of any given state, the more it’s going to cost to insure your vehicle. In Texas, the Eagle Ford Shale and Barnett Shale oil booms have contributed to a dramatic increase in the amount of tanker truck traffic on the roads – though Edgerton did not cite the oil boom as a factor in Texas’s position.

Other cited factors were uninsured drivers and natural disasters, among others – natural disasters being one significant reason that Louisiana topped the list as the most expensive state to insure your car.

Source: Most and least expensive states for car insurance