Experienced San Antonio Premises Liability Lawyers

Based in San Antonio, the premises liability attorneys at The Law Offices of Tyler & Peery represent clients throughout Texas who have been seriously injured on other people’s property through:

If you have been seriously injured because of a property owner’s failure to maintain their property in a safe condition, inadequate security or a fall, please contact our attorneys today to schedule a free confidential consultation.

Slip-And-Fall: A Common Cause Of Accidental Injuries In San Antonio

Premises liability cases generally fall into two main categories. The first is what is commonly known as a slip-and-fall case. Slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accidents can occur on sidewalks and in stores, office buildings, malls, restaurants, parking lots, and other public and private places. They sometimes occur when businesses or homeowners fail to provide warnings about wet floors, when handrails are loose and when stairs are in poor condition.

Inadequate Security

The other main area of premises liability concerns inadequate security. Inadequate security cases usually involve those situations where people are victims of crime on the business premises. Many of these claims arise at hotels, apartments or shopping centers.

Under Texas law, owners of these premises are responsible for the harm if the likelihood of criminal activity is reasonably foreseeable. These are often difficult cases for an injured person, and a complete investigation and thorough preparation are necessary for a successful result.

In negligent security cases, the main legal hurdle a claimant usually has to overcome is to prove that the premises owner had knowledge or constructive knowledge of a dangerous condition that caused the accident. This can be shown through the testimony of witnesses, crime reports or other forms of evidence.

An immediate investigation is often the most important key to locating witnesses and evidence of the property owner’s knowledge. Obtaining witnesses’ names and photographs of the site before the premises owner has an opportunity to remedy and correct the dangerous condition is very important.

What does the term “premises liability” refer to?

Premises liability is essentially just another way of saying liability for dangerous property conditions.

Don’t property owners get to do whatever they want?

No, not entirely. If a property owner is aware of a dangerous condition on property open to the public, the owner has an obligation to address the condition by fixing it or providing warnings about it.

What are some common examples of premises liability?

One common example is when a business such as a restaurant, store or shopping mall has slippery floors or unsafe sidewalks that cause a slip-and-fall accident or trip-and-fall accident. In this situation, the property owner may be liable for injuries caused by a fall.

Another common example is failure to keep tenants safe in an apartment building that has experienced assaults or other criminal conduct. Under certain conditions, a tenant injured in this setting can bring an injury claim based on inadequate security.

What about attacks by pets?

A lot depends on the circumstances. One scenario is when a dog bites someone who has been invited into a residence. Homeowners insurance is often available as a source of compensation in such cases.

Discuss Your Premises Liability Case With A Lawyer

If you suffered a personal injury due to dangerous conditions on someone else’s property, it makes sense to discuss your situation with a knowledgeable lawyer. For a confidential, no-cost consultation, call our office at 210-340-0900 or complete the online form.  Home and hospital visits are available by request.