The use of the diabetes drug, Avandia, has now been strictly limited by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). European regulators went one step further by entirely suspending the drug's sales. Research has established a potential link between Avandia and increased...
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Defective Drugs
Talk with your pharmacist and doctor about new prescriptions
At some point in our lives, most of us will need some form of medication to combat an illness or treat a condition. We trust that the companies producing the drugs we need will take proper care in making sure they are not dangerous or defective. Additionally, doctors...
FDA sued for not releasing information about new drug
As consumers, we want to be well informed about any medication that we may be prescribed or given when in a hospital. It is also vital that medical professionals have as much information about a drug prior to approving its use for their patients. The Food and Drug...
What process is used to prevent the marketing of dangerous drugs?
In a perfect world, everyone would enjoy good health all the time and there would be no need to take medicine. But sometimes we have to depend upon medications to treat conditions or ailments. When this is the case, we must trust that the medicines we take are safe....
Disreputable websites may sell defective drugs
Many of us rely on medications in order to function and feel good on a daily basis. For some people, required medications are a necessary part of life. But drugs can be very expensive. It would be perfectly understandable for a person to look for the best price...
Testosterone companies may use scare tactics in ads
The demands of daily life can prove taxing for any man. This can be especially true for men who are used to excelling in all aspects of their lives. But the aging process can affect a man's ability to keep pace. These changes are normal and typically not a cause for...
FDA declares testosterone therapy increases heart attack risk
Testosterone therapy has become a common method of trying to treat a variety of physical symptoms experienced by men. There are a number of products on the market aimed at men who want to counter the effects of decreased testosterone production, also known as "low-T."...
Low testosterone in younger men should be treated correctly
Typically, we think of lower testosterone levels as being an issue for men who are around 50 years of age or older. However, it is possible for men much younger to experience low testosterone. Given that there is so much paid publicity circulating through the media...
Natural testosterone production can be an alternative to medications
Sometimes, in order to regain some of his lost sexual energy, a man may resort to undergoing testosterone therapy. A variety of medications are on the market that can be prescribed for the treatment. However, this may not be the best course of action. Testosterone is...
Drug companies must make testing a priority over marketing
At times, it can seem like we are awash in advertising for all manner of pills, creams, ointments and other assorted forms of medicine. The messages that take up so much time during commercial breaks on television and radio describe the amazing healing powers that...